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Make a one-time or monthly donation to Goodwill today

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Your donation changes lives through the power of WORK

Learn More About Our Mission

Goodwill puts your financial donations to WORK

From a small, one-time gift to a recurring monthly contribution, your donation helps provide valuable skills training, coaching and employment supports to people who are facing barriers on their path to work. Donate today and join us in changing lives and communities through the power of WORK.

Donate Online

Goodwill Industries, Ontario Great Lakes offers an online donation tool where donors can make a safe and secure donation online using their credit card. Please note that there is a credit card processing fee for online donations that you can choose to cover when you enter your gift.

Donate By Mail

Donations by mail are always welcome! Contribute by cheque, made payable to “Goodwill Industries, Ontario Great Lakes” and mail to:

Goodwill Industries, Ontario Great Lakes
c/o Shared Services
255 Horton Street East
London, Ontario N6B 1L1
