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30% off ShopperClub Sale

Join us on Friday, November 22nd for our 30% Off ShopperClub Sale.

Goodwill 30% off ShopperClub sale is valid in-store at Goodwill Industries, Ontario Great Lakes Community Stores + in-store and online at Goodwill Bookstores and Boutique locations on November 22, 2024, with this coupon!

Please show this coupon to any cashier to receive 30% off* your entire purchase on November 22, 2024.

Enjoy 30% off your online purchase with coupon code SAVE30 at the Goodwill Bookstore (London)Goodwill Boutique London, and Goodwill Boutique Newmarket.

As always, we will be restocking throughout the day. Happy Thrifting!

Want to be the first to know about our sales and promotions? Join our ShopperClub list!

*Cannot be combined with any other offer. Discount is not valid on new goods or for purchasing gift certificates. Coupon valid in-store at participating Goodwill  Industries,  Ontario Great Lakes Community Stores as well as in-store and online (USE CODE SAVE30) at participating Boutique and Bookstore locations only.
