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Shop Our Curated Collection at the Goodwill Boutique

A #GoodwillFind at one of our Boutique locations is more than just a thrill. Your purchase creates work for someone in your community who faces barriers to employment… giving job skills, employment training, coaching, and additional supports to help people succeed.

    2 Goodwill Boutique Store locations

    Curated unique, vintage, revamped, and designer items… all at affordable prices!

    Hyde Park Boutique

    765 Hyde Park Road
    London, Ontario
    P: 519-601-5460

    Mon-Fri: 9-8, Sat: 9-6, Sun: 10-5

    Newmarket Boutique

    570 Mulock Drive
    Newmarket, Ontario
    P: 905-235-1030

    Mon-Fri: 9-8, Sat: 9-6, Sun: 10-5

    You shop. We train. People work.

    Every time you shop at Goodwill, you are creating work for someone who needs it. You fuel our mission of changing lives through the power of WORK. We employ over 1,200 people through our Community Stores, Donation Centres, sorting/recycling, manufacturing and hospitality programs, providing good jobs with real on-the-job work experience, a living wage and benefits while helping to address barriers that sometimes prevent people from finding and keeping a job such as mental or physical illness, youth that are at-risk and new Canadians.

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      Goodwill gives people the opportunity to get new skill sets and work experience.
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      When I started at Goodwill it worked out really well. This job has improved my confidence. I am able to do things and I am trusted to do things that I never thought I would be able to do.
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      I work at everything, I run the rack, I run the clothes, I put the clothes away, and help all of the customers. I like Goodwill because I have a good job.
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      When I learned what Goodwill did, I knew that I wanted to be a part of it and I want to work here. Goodwill has given me the tools I need and the support to be able to do this job effectively.
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      Goodwill gives people the opportunity to get new skill sets and work experience.
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      When I started at Goodwill it worked out really well. This job has improved my confidence. I am able to do things and I am trusted to do things that I never thought I would be able to do.
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      I work at everything, I run the rack, I run the clothes, I put the clothes away, and help all of the customers. I like Goodwill because I have a good job.
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      When I learned what Goodwill did, I knew that I wanted to be a part of it and I want to work here. Goodwill has given me the tools I need and the support to be able to do this job effectively.
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      Goodwill gives people the opportunity to get new skill sets and work experience.
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      When I started at Goodwill it worked out really well. This job has improved my confidence. I am able to do things and I am trusted to do things that I never thought I would be able to do.
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      I work at everything, I run the rack, I run the clothes, I put the clothes away, and help all of the customers. I like Goodwill because I have a good job.
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      When I learned what Goodwill did, I knew that I wanted to be a part of it and I want to work here. Goodwill has given me the tools I need and the support to be able to do this job effectively.