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A set of vintage metal tea set and vases

Donate Valuables for a Tax Receipt

Car donations and the donation of other valuables provide skills training, coaching and employment supports to people who face barriers to employment. Change lives and donate today.

    As a registered charity, Goodwill may be able to issue tax receipts for gifts of jewelry, property, vehicles, coins and other valuables with a Fair Market Value of over $50*. Charitable donation receipts are not automatically provided for each donation. Receipts must be requested through the form below.

    For items with a fair market value of $1,000 or greater, a tax receipt can only be issued if an independent third party appraisal (completed within one year) is provided by the donor.

    Follow the easy steps below to request a tax receipt. In order to be eligible for a receipt, you must provide the current fair market value of your donation and proof. This could include a link to a listing online (eBay, Poshmark, etc), a link where the retailer (not a 3rd party) lists the item for sale, purchase receipt or a third party appraisal.

    Once you submit your tax receipt request, our management team will evaluate the eligibility of your request and confirm the Fair Market Value before confirming a tax receipt. If donated items do not meet the eligible criteria, a tax receipt will not be issued.

    While we appreciate your donation of valuables, we are unable to issue tax receipts if you drop off items before completing the online form and have a confirmed tax receipt amount provided from our team.

    *Based on the needs of our organization, not all items with a Fair Market Value of $50 or more will qualify for a charitable donation receipt.

    Step 1

    Make a list of all of the items you would like to donate including brand, condition, age, and value.

    If you are not sure of the value, you can look up your item on another site like Poshmark or eBay. In your research, find multiple times the item has sold, and include links to the lowest, median and highest values that you see. Please include all three links with your item as this is how we assess fair market value. Note, individual items must have a value of at least $50. If the value of your item is over $1,000, you must have a 3rd party appraisal completed within the last six months.
    Step 2

    Take photos of your items.

    Photos will be used to confirm valuation and condition.
    Step 3

    Submit Your Request

    Fill out the form below and include your full list of items, item information, photos, and fair market value links that you've researched.
    Step 4

    Goodwill will confirm your request and tax receipt amount

    Our Community Engagement Coordinator will be in touch with you to confirm eligible items, whether more information is required, and if your donation is eligible for a tax receipt.
    Step 5

    Drop off your Donation

    If we are able to issue a tax receipt, please confirm date/time that you intend to donate, and which Goodwill Donation Centre you plan on dropping off to.
    Step 6

    Receive your tax receipt

    Confirm with the Community Engagement Coordinator that you have dropped off your items, and you will be mailed or emailed your tax receipt!

    Donate a Car

    We’ve partnered with Donate A Car Canada to accept your car, boat, motorcycle, RV, ATV or other vehicle donation on behalf of Goodwill. It’s easy to donate… simply fill out the vehicle donation form online or call 1-877-250-4904, and Donate a Car Canada will coordinate a free pick up/towing of your vehicle. Your vehicle will either be recycled or sold at auction – depending on its condition, age and location. The proceeds will go to Goodwill Industries, Ontario Great Lakes and we’ll issue you a tax receipt for its value.

    Donate Your Vehicle to Goodwill

    Tax Receipt Request Form

    Your information will help us determine whether your item(s) will be eligible for a charitable tax receipt.


    Item #1

    Type of item and brand
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 128 MB.

    Item #2

    Type of item and brand
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 128 MB.

    Item #3

    Type of item and brand
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 128 MB.

    Item #4

    Type of item and brand
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 128 MB.

    Item #5

    Type of item and brand
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 128 MB.

    You donate. We train. People work.

    Every time you donate to Goodwill you are creating work for someone who needs it. You fuel our mission of changing lives through the power of WORK. We employ over 1,200 people through our Community Stores, Donation Centres, sorting/recycling, manufacturing and hospitality programs, providing good jobs with real on-the-job work experience, a living wage and benefits while helping to address barriers that sometimes prevent people from finding and keeping a job such as mental or physical illness, youth that are at-risk and new Canadians.

    • Loading...
      Goodwill gives people the opportunity to get new skill sets and work experience.
    • Loading...
      When I started at Goodwill it worked out really well. This job has improved my confidence. I am able to do things and I am trusted to do things that I never thought I would be able to do.
    • Loading...
      I work at everything, I run the rack, I run the clothes, I put the clothes away, and help all of the customers. I like Goodwill because I have a good job.
    • Loading...
      When I learned what Goodwill did, I knew that I want to be a part of it and I want to work here. Goodwill has given me the tools I need and the support to be able to do this job effectively.
    • Loading...
      Goodwill gives people the opportunity to get new skill sets and work experience.
    • Loading...
      When I started at Goodwill it worked out really well. This job has improved my confidence. I am able to do things and I am trusted to do things that I never thought I would be able to do.
    • Loading...
      I work at everything, I run the rack, I run the clothes, I put the clothes away, and help all of the customers. I like Goodwill because I have a good job.
    • Loading...
      When I learned what Goodwill did, I knew that I want to be a part of it and I want to work here. Goodwill has given me the tools I need and the support to be able to do this job effectively.
    • Loading...
      Goodwill gives people the opportunity to get new skill sets and work experience.
    • Loading...
      When I started at Goodwill it worked out really well. This job has improved my confidence. I am able to do things and I am trusted to do things that I never thought I would be able to do.
    • Loading...
      I work at everything, I run the rack, I run the clothes, I put the clothes away, and help all of the customers. I like Goodwill because I have a good job.
    • Loading...
      When I learned what Goodwill did, I knew that I want to be a part of it and I want to work here. Goodwill has given me the tools I need and the support to be able to do this job effectively.